Notícias do Mundo / Agora 26/03/09 06:06 - Sebo Vitória Régia - Google+

Sebo Vitória Régia - Google+:

  • Ex-juiz Nicolau dos Santos Neto é levado para carceragem da PF ... - Livros
    O ex-juiz do Trabalho Nicolau dos Santos Neto foi levado na noite desta segunda-feira (25) para a carceragem da Polícia Federal (PF) em São Paulo, após decisão do Tribunal Regional Federal...
  • Acidente com dois ônibus deixa 8 feridos em SP - Livros
    Ao menos oito pessoas ficaram feridas num acidente envolvendo dois ônibus no início da madrugada desta terça-feira (26) em Itapecerica da Serra, na região metropolitana de São Paulo, informou o Corpo de Bombeiros...
  • Australia to withdraw most of its troops from Afghanistan 

    The Hindu - Mundo
    Most of the 1,650 Australian troops deployed in Afghanistan would leave this year, Defence Minister Stephen Smith said on Tuesday. “We've been there for over a decade, and that's far too long...
  • 5 Afghan police killed in suicide attack in east 

    USA TODAY - Mundo
    KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Eight suicide bombers attacked a police headquarters in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad on Tuesday, killing five officers and wounding four others, a...
  • giant pandas arrive in Canada - Mundo
    Five-year-old Er Shun and her prospective mate, four-year-old Da Mao arrived on a specially-adapted FedEx Express Canadian plane. The pair, who are on loan from China, were welcomed to...

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